Lockport Chamber of Commerce

Welcome to the Lockport Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce welcomes you to Lockport – our beautiful, historic community. Lockport offers a diverse blend of small, mid and large-sized opportunities to help bring your business dreams to life. The Chamber of Commerce serves and supports over 200 businesses and offers networking and other events to enhance and grow economic opportunities in Lockport. Whatever your expertise or ambition – whether you are a new business looking for a place to market your products or an established business looking to expand – there is a place for you in Lockport.

Chamber President, Tim Gaba

The Lockport Chamber of Commerce is Lockport’s leading business advocate. For more than thirty years the Chamber has implemented a progressive program aimed at enhancing the business climate and quality of life in Lockport. Over 200 area businesses currently help the Chamber to achieve its goals through their membership investment. The Chamber is made up of people working together to make our community a better place to live and to make a living.

Tim Gaba

Tim Gaba


The Lockport Chamber of Commerce strives to be the voice of the business community, concentrating on four core values –Promotion, Education, Networking and Service.


Advertising/sponsorship opportunities, listings in the Lockport Community Directory, advertising in monthly newsletter, listing on the Chamber website, Chamber member referrals to other members and residents, encourage consumers to “ Shop Chamber Members”


(of membership and the community)
Quarterly breakfast meetings with state, county and federal legislators, monthly newsletter, local government updates at monthly meetings, periodic seminars on various topics, Dollars for Scholars Awards program for college bound students


Business After Hours, annual installation dinner, annual golf outing, monthly membership luncheon, exhibits at Lockport Business and Community Fair and more.


Maintain continuous dialogue with community leaders on behalf of area business, leading advocate on important business and community issues, sponsorship of the annual Old Canal Days Parade and Lockport Business & Community Fair, support of local community groups and events and participation in Illinois State Chamber’s legislative programs.

Become a Member

Invest in your community today by becoming a member and help to make Lockport a better place to live, work and do business.